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Automated Emails and Text Messages to Customers
Automated Emails and Text Messages to Customers

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How to Send an OMW Text Notification
How to Send Come Back Emails to Customers / Leads Without Prior Appointments
How to Link Your Social Media or Review Sites in Your Email Templates
Ways to Check if Reminders Were Sent Out
How to Notify Your Cleaner About Cancelled Appointments via Email and Text
How to Edit OMW Text TemplateEditing text content
How to Access Sent CommunicationsReviewing Sent Emails and Texts by Date or Customer
How to Edit Email and Text Templates
How to Remove Calendar Invitation from the Appointment Reminder Email Template
Text Templates in ZenMaid
How to Disable Few Customers from Receiving Automated Emails and Texts
Can Customers and cleaners Reply to the Text Reminders Sent from ZenMaid?Customers can't reply to text reminders sent from ZenMaid
How to Add Sales Tax in ZenMaid Appointments
How to Turn On/Off Automatic Emails And TextsHere is a step-by-step walkthrough on how to turn on/off your ZenMaid automated emails and texts.
How the Google Calendar Invite Looks Like
How to Send/Resend Appointment Confirmation
How to Attach Documents in Email Templates
How to Manually Send Texts and Emails
How to Turn Off Text and Email for an Individual Customer
How to Set Up The Time Your Texts and Emails Are Auto-Sent OutTurn on communication automation