Here are multiple ways you can mark appointments as paid.
Calendar View
If you only need to mark one appointment as paid, going to your Calendar View is the way to go.
From your ZenMaid dashboard, go to Scheduling > Calendar View.
Click on the appointment you want to mark as paid.
On the appointment pop-up window on your right side, scroll down to the Amount Due section.
Click on the Mark as Paid button beside the Total Owed amount.
Notice that appointments that are marked paid will then be labelled as PAID.
If you've accidentally marked an appointment as paid through Calendar View, you can just click the Mark as Unpaid button that will show up if the appointment has been marked paid.
Marking an appointment as paid isn't the same as charging your customer's card. For more information on how to do it, scroll down on this page until the section "Charge Credit Card".
List View
List View offers a way so that you can mark multiple appointments as paid.
From your ZenMaid dashboard, go to Scheduling > List View.
On the next page, you will see the list view filter just below the Actions button.
Under the Show field, click on the drop down to expand the menu. Select the option Unpaid Appointments.
Feel free to select the start and end date using the From and To date fields.
Afterwards, click on the Show button.
To bulk select, tick at least one box of unpaid appointment. This will replace the Actions button and turn it into Bulk Actions button.
Click on the Bulk Actions button to expand the drop down menu. Feel free to use the Select All button for when you're sure you'll want to mark all those appointments within the time frame you specified as paid.
Hit the Bulk Actions button to re-expand the menu and click on the Mark as: Paid option.
Marking an appointment as paid isn't the same as charging your customer's card. For more information on how to do it, scroll down on this page until the section "Charge Credit Card".
Customer's Profile
If you lost track of an unpaid appointment, you could also go to your customer's ZenMaid profile to hunt that unpaid appointment down.
From your ZenMaid dashboard, go to Contacts > All Contacts.
Search for your customer using the search bar. Click on the name on the search results.
Once you're on your customer's profile, click on the Actions button then hit Update Customer Balance.
The next page will show all the unpaid appointments for this customer. Select the appointment/s you want marked as paid using the tick boxes on each.
After selecting the appointments, click on the Bulk Actions button then select Mark as: Paid.
Marking an appointment as paid isn't the same as charging your customer's card. For more information on how to do it, the next section "Charge Credit Card" will show you around.
Charge Credit Card
You may also mark an appointment as paid by running your customer's credit card.
From any scheduling view, click on the desired appointment.
Once the appointment window shows up, click Actions > Charge Credit Card.
Key in the customer's card details on the pop-up window if the card information is not on your file yet.
Or, just expand the drop down selection under the field SELECT CARD TO CHARGE and select the customer's card.
The appointment's total amount owed will then be marked as PAID BY CARD.
Unlike manually marked-as-paid appointments, you won't be able to undo the charging of the card as well as marking the appointment again as unpaid. You will also not be able to edit the financials (total amount). For a workaround, please follow this article: How to Adjust the Amount of a Paid by Card Appointment
When charging a customer who has several unpaid appointments, you can run a bulk charge a few ways:
Select multiple appointments for a client and run their card, it charges 1 transaction per appointment, not 1 transaction for all unpaid appointments.
To run a combined total to be one large transaction with one large total, mark some appointments as 0 total and out the combined total in 1 appointment.Β
appointment clear balance, mark paid, paid appointment, mark appointment paid, schedule clear balance, paid schedule, mark schedule paid, service clear balance, mark paid, paid service, mark service paid, update customer's balance, update customer balance, mark appointments as paid
Updated by Natalia on 10/23/2022.