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How To Create a Cancellation Report
How To Create a Cancellation Report
Ivan Dorian avatar
Written by Ivan Dorian
Updated over a week ago


  • This article will help you create a cancellation report using the Contact Export.

  • There is an example of how the final result of a cancellation report could appear.

Step 1 - Accessing The Contacts Export:

  • From your ZenMaid Dashboard, go to the All Reports page.

  • From the All Reports page, select the Export Contacts option.

Step 2 - Choosing The Right Columns:

Fields or Columns Needed:

To run a cancellation report, you'll want to export contacts with the following fields:

  • Full Name (to identify who became former).

  • Type (to find former customers only)

  • Most Recent Clean (to find when they became a former customer)

Step 3 - Finalizing The Cancellation Report:


Filtering Data:

  • From there, upload this data to a spreadsheet.

  • On the spreadsheet, remove the leads, one-time/recurring customers, and any dates you do not want to see under the Created On column. Once done, you'll be left with how many canceled/former customers you have in the date range of your choice.

  • Attached is an example here:

Side Note:

To find out how to export more data in ZenMaid, please review this step-by-step walkthrough:


Contacts export, customer export, cancelled customers, cancelled contacts, cancellation report, contacts report, CSV export, cancellation export, canceled customers, canceled contacts, cancel report, report canceled customer, report cancelled contacts


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