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Monthly or Bulk Invoicing
Monthly or Bulk Invoicing

Streamline your invoicing process by sending monthly or bulk invoices to your clients, instead of individual invoices for each appointment.

Jorge Sardinha avatar
Written by Jorge Sardinha
Updated today
  • Using the calendar icon go to the List View.

  • In the next window, filter by date range and customer name to find all appointments within the specified period. Click "Apply Filters" to view the results.

  • Depending on the appointments' frequency, you'll get more or less appointments listed.

  • Choose an appointment to invoice. Click the ">" icon to view its details in a pop-up window. For organization purposes, we recommend you choosing either the first or the last one.

  • Click "Actions" and then "Invoice Customer...".

  • We propose you use the "Service Details" section to indicate what's the date range for the invoice, for example: "January Residential Cleanings".

  • The next step is to add all applicable cleaning services to this invoice using the "Add Line Item" button. For this demonstration, we will include four cleanings. We recommend including the date of each appointment so your customers can easily identify the services included in the invoice.

  • Once all services have been added, enter the price for each appointment. Set the quantity to "1" to ensure the correct price is displayed.

  • Once you have changed all the details, click on "Save Invoice" and decide wether to send it via email, SMS, or both.

  • After the invoice pop-up closes, refresh the filtered appointments page. The selected appointment will now show the updated price. Change the price of all other appointments to $0 to prevent them from being included in your revenue calculations.

  • Refresh the page one more time and now all the appointments should have the price updated.

Keeping track of the bulk (monthly) invoiced appointments

Since zeroed-out appointments are not tied to an invoice, create a custom appointment field to maintain a record of them.

  • Once the new custom field is ready, go to each appointment and type in the invoice number.

Marking appointments as paid

Once the main invoice has been paid, only the appointment associated will be marked as paid and you'll need to manually mark as paid the zeroed-out appointments.

  • Using the list view (as at the beginning of this article) locate all the associated appointments.

  • Use the checkboxes on the left to unlock the Bulk Actions button and then use the Mark as: Paid.

  • The appointment price will be switched to green color and a checkmark will appear below


Monthly Invoice, Bulk Invoice, Invoice Multiple Appointments, Consolidated Invoices, Combined Invoices, Batch Invoices, Multiple Appointmetns on One Invoice

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