Here's what to do when you'd like to add a tip and have it reflected on your payroll.
From your calendar, click on the appointment you want to add a tip to.
On the appointment window, look under the Billing section.
Click on the field beside the Tip and enter the tip amount.
The Price after tax will then be automatically recalculated with the tip accounted for.
It will also be reflected in the payroll. To check if it has been reflected, go to Payroll.
Run a new payroll or click on View and Edit but make sure that the appointment you've added a tip into is within the From and To dates of the payroll.
Identify the cleaner who has been assigned to the appointment and click on Edit.
On the next page, identify the appointment you've added the tip to. You should see the tip amount that you've just added.
Adding the Tip to the Payroll
Click the Edit button next to the appointment that has the tip added.
Add the tip amount to the Extras section.
Click Update Pay.
Notes About Tip
ZenMaid lets you choose how you can delegate the tips due to the different ways owners allocate tips to their cleaners.
Tips just show up on the payroll only FYI (for your information). This is because some owners might not add tips to payroll because the tip has been already received "cash in hand", or they may be pooling tips.
Tips/Extras vs Bonuses: Bonuses are different. They are rewards from the employer (not the customer). They can be compensations for personal expenses, rewards after great customer feedback, etc.
Tip, appointment tip, payroll tip, add a tip, tip vs bonus, tips vs bonuses, delegate tips, delegate a tip