This process shows you how you can print or save as a PDF files your appointments for your specified days.
On your Scheduling (calendar) page, click the Actions button.
Select Print Route Sheets.
On the pop-up window, you may specify the days you want to print using the From and To fields.
Next, expand the drop down menu here to choose whether to print the file by cleaner or by team.
When you select cleaner, select which cleaners' schedule you want to print using the checkbox. Do the same if you selected Teams.
Next, click on the Generate Route Sheets button.
This will open a new tab on your browser that contains the information you requested. From there, you may either Download or Print the route sheets by clicking on the buttons.
print route sheets, download route sheets, print appointments, download appointments, print schedules, download schedules
Updated by Natalia on 10/23/2022.