There are a couple of ways for you to edit an appointment from a recurring service series:
Through Scheduling View
Locate the Scheduling icon
and select the scheduling view of your preference.
Locate the appointment you want to edit out and click on it.
On the pop-up window showing the appointment details, click on Actions > Manage recurring service OR locate the Edit recurring service button right next to the frequency.
Through Contacts
Locate the contact icon
and go to All Contacts.
Find your customer using the search bar and click their name.
On their contact profile page scroll down until the Scheduled Services section and click on 'Manage Recurring Service'.
Manage Recurring Service Page
Either option you choose will get you to the Manage Recurring Service page.
Here you can change several aspects from the recurring service but for this article you need to scroll down to the Cleanings scheduled for this recurring service section.
You'll see all the upcoming appointments for the next 6 months. Locate the one you need to edit and click on the Edit button.
A pop-up window to edit the appointment will appear. Make sure to do all the necessary changes and hit the save button before closing this window.
Additional Notes
Using this method will only affect the selected appointment. If you need to update the frequency of a recurring service instead, visit this article.
You have to make sure to save the changes, otherwise, the appointment will remain the same.
edit specific appointment from recurring series, change one appointment from recurring series, edit specific appointment from recurring service, change one appointment from recurring service, edit specific schedule from recurring series, change one schedule from recurring service