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Merge Fields / Template Variables

Add merge fields into your email and text message templates

Amar Ghose avatar
Written by Amar Ghose
Updated over 10 months ago

Here's a complete list of all variables you can use in any email or text message template. If you want to use these Variables you just need to write them inside your message text structure, when you send the message we will add the specific data you need. For example:

If you write the following for the appointment reminder:
        " Hey {{contact_name}}, your appointment is tomorrow at {{appointment.start_time}}{{am_pm}}"

 The outgoing message would say
"Hey Chris, your appointment is tomorrow at 10:30 am"

There are a lot of variables, explore between the options and make the most out of the ZenMaid's messaging features!  

Variables related to appointments.

  • {{appointment.amount_due}} - The amount due for the appointment.

  • {{appointment.amount_due_with_sales_tax}} - The amount due for the appointment with sales taxes.

  • {{{appointment.start_time_approximate}} - Will yield:

'Morning (9 AM - 11 AM)'

'Midday (11 AM - 1 PM)'

'Early Afternoon (1 PM - 3 PM)'

'Late Afternoon (3 PM - 5 PM)'

or the hour of the appointment if later than 5PM or earlier than 9AM.

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_one}} - the hour around the start time. (ex: 7:15 would show 7 to 8)

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_one_minex}} - the hour around the start time minutes exact. (ex: 7:15 would show 7:15-8:15)

  •  {{appointment.start_time_approx_two}} - the two hours around the start time. (ex: 7:15 would show 7 to 9)

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_two_minex}} - the two hours around the start time minutes exact. (ex: 7:15 would show 7:15-9:15)

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_three}} - the three hours around the start time. (ex: 7:15 would show 7 to 10)

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_three_minex}} - the three hours around the start time minutes exact. (ex: 7:15 would show 7:15-10:15) 

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_10_minex}} - 10 minutes around the start time

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_20_minex}} - 20 minutes around the start time

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_30_minex}} - 30 minutes around the start time

  • {{appointment.start_time}} - The exact start time. (ex: 8:45) 

  • {{appointment.am_pm}} - Add variable am or pm to your messages (ex: "You'll receive an email before the appointment at 9. {{appointment.am_pm}} )

  • {{appointment.end_time}} - The exact end time. (ex: 8:45)

  • {{appointment.start_date_in_words}} - Start date of the appointments in words. Ex: January 12th, 2019 

  • {{appointment.start_date}} - Start date of the appointments. Ex: 01/12/2019

  • {{appointment.customer_phone_number}} - Customers phone number.

  • {{appointment.address}} - Customer Address.

  • {{appointment.address_alt}} - Customer Alternative Address. 

  • {{customer.billing_address}}} - Customer Billing address. 

  • {{appointment.assigned_cleaners}} - Assigned Cleaners. 

  • {{appointment.cleaners_first_names}} - Assigned Cleaners first names.

  • {{appointment.assigned_cleaners_with_photos}} - Cleaner photos

  • {{appointment.notes}} - Notes from the appointment.

  • {{appointment.customer_notes}} - Customers notes from their profile.

  • {{appointment.appointment_custom_fields}}  - Appointment custom fields. 

  • {{appointment.customer_custom_fields}} - Customer custom fields.

  • {{appointments.customer_contact_emails}} - Customer email. 

  • {{appointment.customer_contact_phone_numbers}} - Customer Phone number. 

  • {{appointment.service_type}} - Service type. (ex: can be One Time, Lead or Recurring) 

  • {{appointment.recurrence}} - Recurrence of the service. (ex: Every two weeks, every week) 

  • {{appointment.balance}} - Balance of the appointment.

  • {{appointment.service_price}} - Service price in the financials.

  • {{appointment.price_without_tax}} - Reflects coupons, discounts & gratuity.

  • {{appointment.price_with_tax}} - Reflects price with Tax

  • {{appointment.paid}} - Whether or not the appointment has been paid.

  • {{appointment.instructions}} - This can be edited in the job estimation settings page.

  • {{appointment.contact_name}} - Contact's name. 

  • {{appointment.full_contact_name}} - Contact's full name. 

  • {{appointment.company_name}} - Company's name. 

  • {{appointment.company_email}} - Company's email. 

  • {{appointment.company_phone_number}}  - Company's phone number. 

  • {{appointment.hashed_customer_items["key"]}}} - replace the word key with any of your customer custom fields making sure the letters are all lowercase and space (if there are) should be replace with an underscore '_'. A list of the things a customers wants done. (Ex: Use only green line products, let out the dog)

  • {{appointment.hashed_appointment_items["key"]}} - replace the word key with any of your appointment custom fields making sure the letters are all lowercase and space (if there are) should be replace with an underscore '_'.

  • {{appointment.logo}}  - Logo of your company. 

  • {{}} - Your website. 

  • {{appointment.facebook}} - Your Facebook page. 

  • {{appointment.status}} - Status. (ex: Active, Stand by, etc)

  • {{appointment.contact_first_name}} - Contact's first name. 

  • {{appointment.contact_last_name}} - Contact's last name.

  • {{appointment.contact_company_name}} - Contact company's name.

Variables related to Customer 

  • {{appointment.assigned_cleaners_with_phone_numbers}} - adds phone numbers in brackets after the cleaner names.

  • {{appointment.contact_first_name}} - Contact First name.

  • {{customer.regular_day_of_cleaning}} - Regular day of cleaning.

  • {{customer.cleaning_frequency}} - Frequency. (ex: Bi-weekly, every week)

  • {{customer.preferred_payment_method}} - Customer preferred payment method. (ex: cash, credit card, check)

  • {{customer.phone_number}} - Customer phone number.

  • {{customer.billing_address}} - Customer billing address.

  • {{customer.custom_fields}} - Customer custom fields.

  • {{customer.contact_emails}}  - Customer Email.

  • {{customer.contact_phone_numbers}} - Contact phone number.

  • {{customer.billing_address_alt}} - Customer billing address.

  • {{customer.contact_name}} - Customer name.

  • {{customer.full_name}} - Customer full name.

  • {{customer.company_name}} - Customer company name.

  • {{customer.first_name}} - Customer first name.

  • {{customer.last_name}} - Customer last name.

  • {{customer.notes}} - Customer notes.

  • {{customer.logo}} - Your maid service's logo.

  • {{customer.my_company_name}} -  Your cleaning service's company name

  • {{customer.my_phone_number}} - is the cleaning service's company Phone

  • {{}} - Customer website url.

  • {{customer.facebook}} - Customer Facebook page.

  • {{appointment.customer_contact_emails}} - Customer's email address

Variables related to Logo

  • {{appointment.logo150px}}

  • {{appointment.logo300px}}

  • {{appointment.logo450px}}

These 3 new variables are retina-ready so they will look good on all screens.

150/300/450 changes the logo dimension but not the quality (they're all retina)

For the 300px version to look perfect, the base image should be 600px wide or more.

For the 450px version to look perfect, the base image should be 900px wide or more.

Variables related to Invoices

You can use these in the invoices that you send to customers:

  • {{invoice.payment_link}} - invoice payment link

  • {{invoice.venmo_link}}

  • {{invoice.paypal_link}}

  • {{appointment.address}} - service address to be added in the service details box

  • {{appointment.service_summary}} - pulls date, time, and service type such as Residential or Commercial

  • {{appointment.service_type}} - service type such as Residential or Commercial

  • {{appointment.coupons_discount}} - For discounts from coupons

  • {{appointment.total_discount}} - For discounts manually inputted

  • {{appointment.gratuity}} - Gratuity = Overcharge = Anything that's charged to the customer and that's not part of the service price, nor a tax, nor a tip.

  • {{appointment.tip}} - Tip is additional revenue that should go to the cleaners directly. It's not part of the bottom line and is not taxed.

  • {{appointment.sales_tax}} - This is the amount of sales tax added to the appointment cost. If the service price is $100 and the price with tax is $120, the {{appointment.sales_tax}} will get replaced with $20.

  • {{appointment.sales_tax_percentage}} - The amount of sales tax added from the appointment cost is presented as a percentage. (ex: Service price is $100 and price with tax is $120, the variable will get replaced with 20%.

  • {{appointment.price_without_tax}} - The service price without tax.

  • {{appointment.price_with_tax}} - The service price with tax included.

  • {{appointment.hashed_appointment_items["key"]}} - replace the word key with any of your customer custom fields making sure the letters are all lowercase and space (if there are) should be replaced with an underscore '_'. A list of the things a customer wants to be done. (Ex: Use only green line products, let out the dog)

  • {{appointment.hashed_customer_items["key"]}} - replace the word key with any of your appointment custom fields making sure the letters are all lowercase and space (if there are) should be replaced with an underscore '_'.

Variables for estimated time of arrival

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_one_minex}} - 1 hour window

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_two_minex}} - 2 - hour window

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_three_minex}} - 3- hour window

  • {{appointment.start_time_approx_four_minex}} - 4 - hour window

Variables related to Notes

For public notes:

  • {{public_customer_notes}} - public customer notes only

  • {{public_one_time_notes}} - appointment one time public notes only

  • {{public_recurring_notes}} - appointment recurring public notes only

  • {{public_service_notes}} - appointment one time and recurring public notes only

  • {{public_notes}} - appointment one time, recurring and customer public notes only

For private notes:

  • {{private_customer_notes}} - private customer notes only

  • {{private_one_time_notes}} - appointment one time private notes only

  • {{private_recurring_notes}} - appointment recurring private notes only

  • {{private_service_notes}} - appointment one time and recurring private notes only

  • {{private_notes}} - appointment one time, recurring and customer private notes only

For all notes:

  • {{all_customer_notes}} - all customer notes

  • {{all_one_time_notes}} - all appointment one time notes

  • {{all_recurring_notes}} - all appointment recurring notes

  • {{all_service_notes}} - all appointment one time and recurring notes

  • {{all_notes}} - all appointment one time, recurring and customer notes

Booking Confirmation Email & Text

{{booking.details}} - populates the information the customer entered on booking and allows users to send a more detailed booking confirmation to their customers

{{booking.first_name}} - pulls first name for a more personal approach

{{booking.price}} - pulls price

{{booking.start_time}} Will yield: 'Morning (9 AM - 11 AM)''Midday (11 AM - 1 PM)''Early Afternoon (1 PM - 3 PM)''Late Afternoon (3 PM - 5 PM)'or the hour of the appointment if later than 5PM or earlier than 9AM.

Generating Next Appointment Cleans:

{{customer.next_scheduled_cleaning_date}} {{customer.next_scheduled_cleaning_time}}

  • Must have the automated option turned 'ON' in the Calendar Settings where Appointments are marked as Completed at the time employees clock out of an appointment.

    For example: An active appointment on 9/22 generates 9/22 but if you switch it to completed, it generates the next correct date 9/29.

  • In the Calendar settings, the option to include "In Work Orders" must be ON for Active appointments.

  • This does not have cross information for customers who have two different recurring appointments. This variable only works within each series.

  • If there is no next service, the variables won't output anything.


  • Any message or text that's sent related to an appointment can use either or variables, anything not related to an appointment can only use variables.

  • The variables (example, day, or date in words) auto-translated to another language is not yet possible at this time (Oct 2019) however you can manually translate your statement and put it in the email templates.

  • Variables break if they include HTML tags and other invisible characters from various text editors, online tools, etc. Your best bet is to keep a list of all variables in Notepad and copy-paste from there or rewrite the whole variable manually - only then can we be sure they don't get corrupted by the weird characters you'll find online in the wild.

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