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Using Zapier to Connect ZenMaid and NiceJob
Using Zapier to Connect ZenMaid and NiceJob

Get more customer reviews by connecting NiceJob with ZenMaid and the Completed Status

Amar Ghose avatar
Written by Amar Ghose
Updated over a week ago

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online service that connects thousands of apps to work together. For most users it's free! Once you start to see the possibilities are endless, you will need to pay a monthly fee.

How do I connect NiceJob to ZenMaid?

With Zapier!

First, make sure you sign up for a Zapier account.

Next, log in and click Create Zap.

In the App Event, search for ZenMaid. Find the latest version and click that.

In the Trigger Event, choose Appointment Status Updated. Click Continue.

Connect your ZenMaid account and test the trigger.

*Please note you must have an appointment already set up in ZenMaid for the test to work

Press the Plus button for the next step.

Choose the Filter App on the left side.

Search Status in the Choose field... Choose: Status name (after the update)

In Choose condition, select: (text) Does not contain

Enter the value of the status you do not wish to send review requests to. In this case only Completed appointments will receive review requests. Not Waitlist or Skipped.

Press the Plus button, once again and choose NiceJob as the next app and Enroll Contact as the Action Event.

Set up Action: Choose Campaign ID, Email, Phone Number, First Name and Last Name.

Now click Continue and Test the Zap and Turn it on!

*Do not forget to name your Zap

Now, whether you automatically mark your jobs Completed when a cleaner times out OR you manually mark a job Completed. Your customer will be enrolled in the NiceJob Campaign!


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