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How to Compare Months for Gained/Lost Recurring Customers Using the Appointment Export
How to Compare Months for Gained/Lost Recurring Customers Using the Appointment Export
Jorge Sardinha avatar
Written by Jorge Sardinha
Updated over 4 months ago

You can track monthly variations in recurring customers by utilizing appointment exports. Follow these simple steps to analyze your customer data over time.

First, you need to make an appointment export for the individual months you want to compare the amount of Recurring Customers. If you want to learn how to make an appointment export, refer to this article.

Make sure to select the timeframe for the month you need, and select only the Customer Full Name and Recurrence fields.

Once you have your Appointment Export, please open it in a Google Sheets file to be able to follow these steps easier.

  • First you will want to remove all the duplicates. To do so go to Data > Data cleanup > Remove duplicates

  • Once you have removed all the duplicates, you will have to sort the customers by name. To do so go to select all customers and then go to Data > Sort range > Advanced range sorting options

  • Select Column B and click in Sort

  • Once you have your customers sorted, you need to select all the ones that don't show a Recurring recurrence, so all One-time and blank customers; and delete them.

  • Now you have only your Recurring customers.

  • Now you just need to follow these steps for the appointment exports for each month, and then compare the number of Recurring customers for each month.


Recurring customers, gained customers, lost customers, customers comparison. How to Compare Months for Gained/Lost Recurring Customers Using the Appointment Export, track monthly variations, recurring customers, appointment exports, customer data analysis, export appointments, compare recurring customers, Customer Full Name, Recurrence fields, Google Sheets, remove duplicates, Data cleanup, sort customers by name, one-time customers, blank customers, delete non-recurring customers, compare recurring customers for each month.

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