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How to Price Your Booking Form
How to Price Your Booking Form

Edit booking form pricing

Jorge Sardinha avatar
Written by Jorge Sardinha
Updated over 5 months ago

Turn On Pricing

  • You can update the Booking Form pricing by going to Bookings > My Booking Form.

  • From there, identify which booking form you'd like to update and click on Edit Form.

  • Change the pricing under the Pricing tab.

  • Be sure the pricing is 'ON'

  • Decide if your pricing works best with a minimum or a base price.


  • Head back to the Form tab:

  • Add in pricing for each slider in beds, baths, square footage/meters, or man-hours. Click the tiny arrow to reveal a dropdown box to price each. Add or remove any sliders that you do not use.


  • Add two extras at a time and their pricing. Save in between each set by using the Save Booking Form button located at the bottom of the page.

  • More about extras can be found here:

  • Hit the Save Booking Form button located at the bottom of the page after all edits are made.

Discounts For Recurring Cleanings

You can set up a discount for recurring cleanings that will automatically apply when a customer selects their recurrence.

  • Drag the recurrence option to the form:

  • Edit the wording and add your discounts:

Sales Tax

  • The tax is automatically applied in the Booking Form when the tax is set to be applied to appointments by default in Job Estimations.

  • You have an option to have the No Tax set to be the default so that the Booking Form does not apply the tax. That way, you can have the pricing that you desire.

A little about pricing models for the ZenMaid Booking Forms

ZenMaid booking forms scale the prices evenly from bedroom to bedroom, and the same is true for the bathroom sliders. For example, each bedroom is $25, and each bathroom is $35 + a base price. If your price list does not evenly scale, you would need to change your pricing to match the booking form specs. The alternative is to use the booking form to collect as much information about the customer and then call/email them to provide the price to them. In high-competition cities, not showing prices may work in your favor since sometimes showing prices without the customer understanding the excellent service you provide may scare them from submitting their information. If you want the ZenMaid form with no pricing showing installed on your website, please contact the support team for the next steps.

update booking form price, update booking form pricing, edit booking form price, edit booking form pricing, tax

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