How to Fetch Revenue Reports
Courtney Wisely avatar
Written by Courtney Wisely
Updated over a week ago

  • From your ZenMaid dashboard, click on Reports, then All Reports.

  • On the next page, under the Management section, find the Revenue and Expenses and click on it to run the report.

  • You may toggle with the From and To fields to change your report's start and end date. This is useful if you want to see daily, weekly, monthly reports, and so on.

  • Afterward, click "Run Report".

  • It shows the revenue for that specific period of time you entered and the net after payroll.

  • It also has the number of paid/unpaid appointments and approved payroll.

  • It also contains a graphic representation of the income for that specific period of time.

What Is Included In The Revenue and Expense Report

When you run a revenue report, appointment prices (discounts included) and Overcharges are included in the Revenue section since that is a benefit to the business.

Tips & Tax are included in the grey box, not in the Revenue, since tips and tax are paid out:

Key Notes:

  • Reports should be instant; however, the dashboard refreshes every 24 hours.

  • The revenue section is based on the scheduled appointment price (paid & unpaid). This includes forecasted revenue.

  • The revenue section is not based on the amount that was charged to a card.

  • If appointment data does not show up in the revenue reports, check the appointment status & the setting to have the "Include in reports" box checked.

  • When an appointment is paid, it does not dictate to be reflected in a revenue report; only when the appointment occurred will it be reflected in a revenue report.

  • Appointment statuses set to not be included in the revenue will still be included in the List View.

  • Bookmarking the Revenue and Expense report page in your browser will only save the URL to the report page. The bookmark does not know what data you pulled or requested from ZenMaid. The URL is simply reusing the same report page since ZenMaid does not create linkable data. For example, the data in revenue for April vs. the data in revenue for March is not linkable data that can be bookmarked.

    If you want to compare two date ranges of data, for example, March vs. April, you can open up ZenMaid with two Chrome tabs and run a different month in each tab. Taking a screenshot is an excellent option if you want to save and compare data!

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Updated by Natalia on 10/23/2022.

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